Videos - Mursi Tribe of the Omo Valley, South Ethiopia
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Mursi Tribe of the Omo Valley, South Ethiopia

access_time Published on 10/10/14, 9:00 AM Travel

The Mursi Tribe lives in the Lower Omo Valley, with a territory spanning roughly between the Omo River and the Mago River.
The language spoken by the Mursi is the Mursi language, which is a Surmic branch of the Nilo-Saharan language family.
The Mursi people are pastoralists, raising cattle for their meat and milk. In addition, they also grow sorghum, corn, and other crops.
A famous characteristic of the Mursi people is the lip-plates worn by the women - which symbolises the connection between them and the society they live in. Girls have their lips cut at the age of 15 or 16, and bigger and bigger clay plates are added over the years to cause the lips to expand.
Another famous characteristic of the Mursi is the ceremonial duels by young men who fight to impress unmarried girls.
Currently, the Mursi way of life is under threat from land eviction and irrigation projects.
Please do support causes that protect the rights of these indigenous people, and others who live in the Omo Valley of Ethiopia.
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